Source code for loggingtools.setup_logging

import json
import logging.config
import os

[docs]def load_config(filepath): """Config dictionary Args: filepath (str): Returns: dict: Raises: ImportError: FileNotFoundError: """ if os.path.exists(filepath): _, ext = os.path.splitext(filepath) if ext == '.json': with open(filepath, 'rt') as fp: return json.load(fp) elif ext in ('.yml', '.yaml'): try: from ruamel import yaml except ImportError(): import yaml except ImportError(): raise ImportError('Install ruamel.yaml or pyyaml in \n' 'order to use load dictionary \n' 'configuration from yaml file. \n') with open(filepath, 'rt') as fp: return yaml.safe_load( raise ValueError('File extension {ext} is not supported.'.format( ext=ext)) else: raise FileNotFoundError( 'Configuration file: "{path}" doesn\'t exist.'.format( path=filepath))
[docs]def setup_logging(path_or_config, logdir='.logs', env_key='LOG_CFG'): """Setup logging configurations defined by dict configuration. Args: path_or_config (str|dict): - dict: Dictionary config - str: Path to load dictionary configuration from. Can be json or yaml file. logdir (str|None): - None: Saves logfiles to current working directory - str: Saves logfiles to specified directory. env_key (str): Environment key for setting path to logging conf. References: - Todo: - Add support for .ini and .cfg files """ path_or_config = os.getenv(env_key, path_or_config) if isinstance(path_or_config, str): config = load_config(path_or_config) elif isinstance(path_or_config, dict): config = path_or_config else: raise TypeError("Argument 'path_or_config' should be string or " "dictionary.") # Configure directory to save logfiles if logdir: # Create directory if it doesnt already exist. try: os.makedirs(logdir, 0o700, exist_ok=True) except FileExistsError: pass # Prepend directory path to filenames. for name in config['handlers']: handler = config['handlers'][name] if 'filename' in handler: handler['filename'] = os.path.join(logdir, handler['filename']) # Configure logging for config dictionary logging.config.dictConfig(config)